Who are you?
Name: Tim West
Age (you don’t have to tell us): 53
Company name: Tim West Plumbing
How long have you been involved in heating and plumbing? Since I left school. I’ve been self-employed 15 years.
Is there one invention you believe could change the industry forever? One set of rules and regs, run by installers for installers.
Tea or coffee? Coffee (latte, two sugars)
Winter or summer? Summer – nothing worse than going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark
Twitter or Facebook? Twitter
Sweet or savoury? Sweet
Ketchup or mayo? Ketchup
Bath or shower? Shower
City break or beach holiday? City break
Night owl or early bird? Night owl
Organised van or messy van? Tidy van (mostly)
Copper or plastic? Copper
Pick one…
Holiday destination: Cornwall
Meal: Mixed grill
Movie: Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Superhero talent: Invisibility
Car: Jaguar E-Type
Dinner guest: Ricky Gervais
Accent: I’ll pick my own accent! South Derbyshire