Who are you? Steve Challinor and Nathan Willsdon
Company name: Boilerfit Ltd
Age: 41 and 25
Is there one invention you believe could change the industry forever?
Not an invention as such, more a change to the gas regulations. I would love to see gas parts sold only to Gas Safe engineers, and boilers registered at point of sale.
Tea or coffee? Coffee
Winter or summer? Winter
Twitter or Facebook? Twitter
Sweet or Savoury? Sweet
Ketchup or Mayo? Mayo
Bath or shower? Bath
City break or beach holiday? Beach holiday
Night owl or early bird? Early bird
Organised van or messy van? Organised van
Copper or plastic? Copper
Pick one…
Holiday destination: Maldives
Meal: Thai curry
Movie: Pulp Fiction
Superhero Talent: Invisibility
Dinner guest: Denzel Washington