In the hotseat this month, it’s Green Albion’s Lee Fisher.

Who are you?
Lee Fisher

Company name: Green Albion Ltd

Age (you don’t have to tell us): 35 (just!)

How long have you been involved in heating and plumbing?
This stretch has been six years, but I started as a boy helping my Dad (Keith of F.K. Services in Hull). My career in-between was in commercial horticulture, so it’s always involved heat, pipes and wet stuff.

Is there one invention you believe could change the industry forever?
The Smart Phone actually. Once we use them to ensure compliance and accountability, through something like my Home Works Register (watch this space!) then we will finally get a grip on this crucial industry.


Tea or coffee?
Coffee, milk and two sugars

Winter or summer? Summer

Twitter or Facebook? Twitter

Sweet or savoury? Savoury

Ketchup or mayo? (Garlic) Mayo

Bath or shower? Shower

City break or beach holiday? Bit of both ideally. I love Palma in Mallorca.

Night owl or early bird? Definite night owl

Organised van or messy van? The messiest. I’m talking toolbox down the shins type messy.

Copper or plastic? Copper all the way

Pick one…
Holiday destination:
New York has been top of the ‘to do’ list for far too long

Meal: Steak, medium rare, chips, token salad and, of course, peppercorn sauce

Movie: Bugsy Malone or Fight Club, I just love psychological violence

Superhero talent: A science-based day job then turning green, massive and smashing stuff up every once in a while would suit me perfectly

Dinner guest: Keef Richards

Accent: I’ve always found South African an amusing contradiction

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