The Grant TechBox app, which stores the company’s current and historical product manuals, has been updated and now includes the technical information for Grant’s latest products, the VortexBlue oil boiler and Aerona³ air source heat pumps.
Whether you need the installation manual for a product no longer manufactured, such as the Multipass boiler, or the technical information on a Grant Spira biomass boiler, the TechBox app is there to support engineers out in the field.
The installation instructions for the VortexBlue oil fired boiler range are now available, as is the manual for the Aerona³ inverter driven air source heat pump. Additional downloads for Grant’s A-rated heat pump cylinder and new VortexAir oil boiler/heat pump hybrid are also now live on the TechBox.
The Grant TechBox is free to download and suitable for Android and Apple devices. Features include:
- A fully comprehensive library of current and historic manuals
- Installation manuals and user instructions for all technologies: oil, biomass, heat pump, solar, cylinders and controls
- Link to the Grant UK Spares website
For further information on Grant’s products, please visit: www.grantuk.com