Danfoss has produced a helpful new guide to complying with the latest changes to the Building Regulations ...
New at-a-glance guide to Part L from Danfoss
New at-a-glance guide to Part L from Danfoss
Connect customers to Calor for free
Connect customers to Calor for free
Keston Boilers scores top marks at Lancing College
Keston Boilers scores top marks at Lancing College
HE boilers… 10 years on
HE boilers… 10 years on
Grant Spira boiler installed at Steadings Park
Grant Spira boiler installed at Steadings Park
Free standard sized flue from Rinnai
Free standard sized flue from Rinnai
Heat for Her Majesty
Heat for Her Majesty
Drayton’s Red Hot Nose Day
Drayton’s Red Hot Nose Day
Kelly Hoppen MBE joins Polypipe for underfloor heating push
Kelly Hoppen MBE joins Polypipe for underfloor heating push
Owners of Avington Park choose water source heat pump
Owners of Avington Park choose water source heat pump