A digital platform designed to provide visitors with insights and product news has been introduced by GROHE. Through the GROHE X platform visitors have the opportunity to create their own individual experience and view a wide range of multimedia content.
Installers are one of the groups for whom tailored content has been curated – accessible following a registration process. Included are a number of how-to videos featuring many of the company’s most popular and more recent solutions, including the Rainshower 310 SmartActive shower system and the Rapido SmartBox. Further ‘how-to’ and ‘troubleshooting’ videos are planned for the future.
For installers there is also a Hidden Champions area where the company’s ‘Behind the Wall’ solutions can be revealed. Elsewhere on the hub users can explore the company’s products in further detail and find out more about sanitary trends. Another handy feature is a ‘Meet an Expert’ button that can be used to contact the company directly for further information.
Central role
Originally intended as an alternative to the biennial ISH, the world’s leading trade fair for water and HVAC, from which GROHE withdrew due to the COVID-19 pandemic, GROHE X has been developed to be more than a trade fair substitute.
“GROHE X is a result of our disruptive way of thinking. We embraced the new normal and understood challenges as new opportunities,” is how Jonas Brennwald, Leader LIXIL EMENA and Co-CEO Grohe AG explains the central role that GROHE X plays. “For me, GROHE X is proof that, especially at times like these, you need to exchange ‘but’ for ‘imagine if’ and I’m more than proud that everyone at GROHE was so bold to thinking open-mindedly like this. With GROHE X, we offer our customers a central, always-available brand hub to get inspired but also to interact with us – wherever they are, whenever they need us.”
The company says that the GROHE X digital platform is just the beginning of an ‘own experience ecosystem’ to drive engagement with customers in the years to come. As soon as it is possible again, GROHE X will be supplemented by hybrid or truck tour events.
Direct experience
“Although physical distance is key these days, we still want to offer our customers a unique setting to experience our innovations and to exchange with us directly,” says Thomas Fuhr, Leader Fittings LIXIL International and Co-CEO Grohe AG. “GROHE X allows everyone to immerse in the diverse world of GROHE and it gives you the building blocks to create an individual brand experience. You will get exclusive, behind-the-scenes insights of our plants and how our customer-centric supply chain connects them to the global markets; learn more about our latest technologies developed in our in-house R&D department located in Hemer, Germany; and we will also take you along with us on our sustainability journey, to which we will add another milestone. It is amazing what our teams have brought to life in such a short period of time.”