Grant makes donation to help eight-year old Lucy

Grant makes donation to help eight-year old Lucy

Grant UK has recently donated £500 to a fundraising cause which is being organised by one of its suppliers. Wendy Halford and her family are hoping to raise £2,500 to purchase a new dynamic stander for Wendy’s granddaughter, Lucy, who has Spina Bifida. This piece of equipment will play a crucial role in her daily therapy.

Lucy’s condition prevents her from being able to walk and she relies on a wheelchair for mobility. As part of her daily therapy routine, Lucy completes standing exercises with the assistance of a frame. Standing allows Lucy’s bones to remain strong, prevents muscle contractures and improves her posture, to list just three benefits. Furthermore, when doing this standing therapy, Lucy is able to face her peers at eye level, which allows for greater interaction with her friends.

At present, Lucy is using a static standing frame. A dynamic standing frame would allow her the freedom to move around while also gaining from all of the benefits of standing upright. In 2010, the family raised money for a dynamic standing frame which Lucy has since outgrown so this new campaign is working towards the purchase of a size 2 stander.

At just eight years old, Lucy has had to endure more than most children of her age. When Grant heard of this great cause, it wanted to support the fundraising campaign with a £500 donation.

If you would like to donate and help Lucy regain some freedom, please click here

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