Worshipful Company of Plumbers are offering students the chance to apply for a Bursary. ...
WCoP offers Bursaries to plumbing students
WCoP offers Bursaries to plumbing students
AKW announces rebranding of Bluetooth shower
AKW announces rebranding of Bluetooth shower
Wirquin launches NEO range of basin and sink traps
Wirquin launches NEO range of basin and sink traps
Wavin explores inspection chambers
Wavin explores inspection chambers
RSS Tilemaster provides timesaving solution for tiling
RSS Tilemaster provides timesaving solution for tiling
Salamander Pumps tackles skills shortage
Salamander Pumps tackles skills shortage
Logic4training explores renewable technologies
Logic4training explores renewable technologies
PRODUCT TEST: Grohe Smart shower
PRODUCT TEST: Grohe Smart shower
CIPHE launches ‘Love your local lav’ campaign
CIPHE launches ‘Love your local lav’ campaign
Lakes announces repositioning of its brand
Lakes announces repositioning of its brand