How does your salary compare to a top flight footballer’s?

How does your salary compare to a top flight footballer’s?

OddsMonkey has compared footballers’ salaries with average UK wages since 1970. If you don’t want to know the result, look away now!

Research from OddsMonkey has shown that the earnings of a Premier League footballer playing once a week for three months is now equivalent to the earnings of an average UK person working for 50 years.

Back in 1970, top flight footballers were earning about £70/week, compared with the UK average of around £21. In today’s terms, that equates to just under £56,000/year against £20,000. And while the average UK salary in 2019 has risen to 28,600/year, footballers are doing rather better… raking in an average of more than £3,000,000 over 12 months.

With salaries for plumbers, heating engineers and other trades tracking pretty close to the national average, according to stats published by and Good Move, it’s fair to say that Premier League players have left the rest of the nation behind!

Check out the key stats below…


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