The Rainy Day Trust has joined forces with the Mental Health Foundation to produce a guide aimed at helping recognise and support mental health issues in the workplace.
Called ‘How to support Mental Health at Work’ the 44-page guide, which the Rainy Day Trust is making available to industry businesses free-of-charge, outlines how to recognise mental health issues in the workplace, whether you or colleagues, and shows ways of building a strategy towards good mental health.
Bryan Clover, CEO at the Rainy Day Trust, said: “It isn’t always obvious and there is still very much a stigma attached to it, where people don’t want to discuss it. This guide gives good practical advice and information on how to bring it into the open and build a strategy of support for those staff who need it. Everyone will benefit, not only in terms of their mental health and happiness but also as a business from a financial point of view as highlighted above. It really is a win win.”
To order your digital copy of the Mental Health at Work guide, email [email protected]
To contact the Charity for support, call 0800 915 4627 or email via the RDT website https://www.rainydaytrust.org.uk/contact-us/