Plumber’s warning: “Always wear eye protection!”

Plumber’s warning: “Always wear eye protection!”

Back in October 2019, we featured the story of a plumber who had a shocking near-miss after a grinder shattered. His warning about using quality eye protection has been echoed by Arran Goodall, who ended up in A&E just before Christmas after a piece of metal lodged in his eye.

Arran, from Leicestershire-based STATE 11 Plumbing & Heating, says: “Always, and I mean always, wear eye protection! I ended up at A&E. I was angle grinding an old bolt from a toilet, wearing my safety goggles… A small piece of metal flew off, and caught my eye under the cheap goggles. I was very lucky that it missed the centre of my eye, and they managed to remove it… Never buying cheap again! Please do the same, buy decent eye protection and always wear them!”

We checked in with Arran to see how he’s doing and we’re happy to report that the eye is “all good”, although he’s due to be assessed to determine whether he’ll now need glasses.

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