The Rainy Day Trust has joined The 2.6 Challenge that has been set up to replace the London Marathon on April 26th as a fundraiser.
Each year the London Marathon raises about £65 million for small and medium-sized charities like The Rainy Day Trust. With the cancellation of the event, the organisers have pulled together the #TwoPointSixChallenge. The aim is to get 2.6 million people raising at least £26 each on 26th April!
The event starts on Sunday and lasts for about five days. The hope is to see as many people as possible doing something daft to do with the numbers 2.6 or 26. Anything you can do to raise £26 or £260 will make a massive difference.
The link to set up your own event is twopointsixchallenge.justgiving.com/fundraise
If you’re looking for inspiration on what challenge to do, check out twopointsixchallenge.justgiving.com/inspiration