Invented and launched by heating engineer Dave Smith, Condensate Pro prevents condensate pipes freezing in low temperatures. As winter really kicks in, the company is issuing a fresh reminder that it is important to prevent condensate pipes from freezing.
“6,000 boilers are fitted every working day and 70% of those installed in houses will have a condensate terminating externally,” explains Dave. “Condensate Pro was launched to help installers provide the best protection for condensate pipes, while ensuring the finish looks professional and complies with all maufacturers’ instructions, guidance and regulations.”
The maximum protection should be standard on every boiler installation, so the company has concentrated on helping professionals achieve that quickly and cost effectively, even when the weather and time may not be on their side.
“Condensate Pro fits all types of installations including grate, rainwater soil pipe and soakaways, and the insulation and product are UV-stable and waterproof. It is also easy to maintain throughout the life of the boiler with a simple application of our water-based maintnenance coat. This can be done when the boiler is being serviced every five to six years depending on location,” continues Dave.
With climate change bringing more extreme weather events, making sure householders are protected when fitting or servicing a boiler has never been so important. Unfortunately, many customers will not know whether they are protected until it is too late, as we saw in February 2021 when, after only a few days of freezing weather across the UK, many homes had no heating due to frozen condensate pipes.
“In the past, the advice for customers was to use hot water to unfreeze the pipe, which is dangerousand out-dated especially when professionals can now upgrade the condensate to provide maximum protection as and when needed,” says Dave. “Since its launch in 2019, we have listened to installers and packaged the Bond & Seal into 150g tubes, which fits perfectly into a mastic gun and a Combo Kit that has everything in for a 1m installation. Installers can simply use the Condensate Pro insulation and Bond & Seal to make their own or use the Condensate Pro kits – saving even more time on site.”