Alpha Heating Innovation has launched a Pipe Crossover Kit which aims to modify the location of the gas inlet and the primary heating return.
Designed to increase compatibility with older pipe layouts, the two shaped copper pipes aim to simplify the installation of an Alpha boiler when replacing an older model with a different pipe configuration.
Compatible with all Alpha’s combination boilers, including the E-Tec Plus, the release of the Pipe Crossover Kit will allow installers to adapt modern boiler configurations to fit with pre-existing pipe layouts.
Previously installers would have to cut back and reposition pipes to configure an older layout with a new system, but this kit will aim to save installers time and excess work on replacement installations.
Alpha combi boilers have a standard pipe layout of gas inlet, domestic hot water outlet, cold mains water outlet, primary heating return and primary heating flow. This reflects the modern internal configuration of the components within the system and has been designed to make installations simpler by keeping the heating pipes and the gas inlet separate.
The Pipe Crossover Kit will also allow repositioning of the gas inlet between the hot and cold water outlets, while the heating return is moved to the far left of the boiler as is traditional with many older systems.
Darran Smith, Technical Manager at Alpha, commented: “While ease of installation was a key consideration when developing our boilers and pipe layout, replacing older boilers with old fashioned pipe configurations can be time consuming for installers. With our Crossover Kit solution, refits should now be as simple as first time installations with no need to cut back or relocate piping.”