Who are you?
Name: GasManGod
Company name: The Holy Church of the Lord GasManGod
Age (you don’t have to tell us): As old as the Heavens and the Earth
All in a day’s work
How long have you been involved in heating and plumbing?
Since I created water and flames for to heat thy water!
Tea or coffee?
Coffee. Milk and two sugars please!
Winter or summer?
Summer always, but Winter is coming!
Twitter or Facebook?
What a question! Twitter! Facebook is for HERETICS
Chips or hash browns?
Chips, red sauce
Cats or dogs?
Tattoos or piercings?
Night owl or early bird?
Early bird. I do enjoy Morning Prayer!
Gym or sofa?
A sofa… in a church!
Copper or plastic?
Copper. Far superior for all pipework
Pick one…
London. If thou art tired of London, thou art tired of life!
Johnny Cash
Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels
Darts! Or cricket
Dinner guest
The Queen. Or William Shakespeare