Fergus’ six tips on how to get your business ready for winter 

Fergus’ six tips on how to get your business ready for winter 

As winter approaches, Fergus, a specialist in job management software for the trade, is encouraging construction professionals to get their business ready for the colder weather.

Here, the experts at Fergus have put together some hints and tips.

1. Be Proactive with Maintenance Services
For HVAC installers, winter is one of the busiest times of the year. Encourage your customers to schedule maintenance services well in advance. Regular check-ups can identify potential issues before they become critical. Promote the importance of these preventive measures to your clients.

2. Plumbing Preparedness
Plumbers should be ready to address a surge in emergency calls during the winter. Frozen pipes and heating system malfunctions are common issues. Prepare your team to respond promptly to emergency calls, and consider offering emergency service packages to customers who may need assistance at any hour. 

3. Gas Engineers: Focus on Safety 
Gas engineers should prioritise safety during the winter. Offer safety inspections to give customers peace of mind during the colder months.

4. Embrace Job Management Software
In today’s digital age, job management software is a game-changer for trades industry professionals. Fergus offers a comprehensive solution that streamlines job scheduling, invoicing and financial management. The Fergus Go app allows tradespeople to manage their businesses on the go, ensuring that you’re always prepared to seize opportunities and ensure you’re successful over the winter months.  

5. Marketing Matters
Don’t forget the power of marketing, especially during the winter months. Use social media and your website to showcase your expertise in tackling winter-related issues. Highlight your emergency services, maintenance plans and any special offers.

6. Build Strong Customer Relationships
Regardless of your trade, building strong customer relationships is key to spotting business opportunities in winter. Offer exceptional customer service, show empathy, and go the extra mile to keep your clients satisfied. Happy customers are more likely to return and recommend your services to others. 

By being proactive, diversifying services, focusing on safety, and using job management software like Fergus, you can prepare for the challenges and seize the opportunities that come with the cold weather. 

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