Samsung Electronics Air Conditioner Europe has announced the official UK launch of its EHS Mono R290 heat pump – which was unveiled earlier this year at InstallerSHOW at the NEC, Birmingham. The company says the EHS Mono R290 can provide high hot water temperature, reaching up to 75 °C and features a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 3.
The EHS Mono R290 features an enlarged integral plate heat exchanger which the company says is capable of transferring more heat at once compared to a conventional outdoor unit.
The unit has been designed to deliver a 100% heating performance in temperatures as low as -10°C and produce Domestic Hot Water (DHW) at 70°C when the outdoor temperature is -10 to 43°C ambient temperature without using the booster heater.
Joe Raftery, Heating Product Manager in the UK for Samsung Climate Solutions said: “We are particularly pleased to be launching this product which represents huge technological achievements in product design. This product demonstrates once again that Samsung has catered to the expectations of the modern consumer by offering them more flexibility in the low carbon heat sources available to them. The internal components of the unit have been adapted when compared to a standard R32 monobloc heat pump to support the separation of the R290 refrigerant and the rest of the system. Designed to work seamlessly with R290, homeowners and installers alike will appreciate the ease of operation of this unit.”
Styled in a dark grey colour the EHS Mono R290 is available in a broad range of capacities for varying requirements – 5, 8, 12, and 16-kW. All the units are single fan, while the 5- and 8-kW units are 850mm in height.
The EHS Mono R290 will be available from the end of November. For more information on the EHS Mono R290 and Samsung’s low carbon heating solutions, please click here