When it comes to compression the versatile Conex Compression fittings are designed to ensure a permanently tight and secure connection without the need for sealant.
Launched in the 1950s, the rib-nut is tightened by a Conex compression spanner.
Guaranteed against manufacturing defects for 25 years, the fittings have been designed to be easy to use and provide compactness, strength, grip and effortless engagement. No hot works are required.
Manufactured from high-quality brass materials, the compression rib-nut can be used in a wide variety of domestic and commercial applications.
The Conex Compression joint is based on the principle of compressing a spherical brass ring – formerly known as a cone – between two differing tapers in the cap-nut and fitting. When the cap-nut is tightened to secure the joint, the compression ring changes form resulting in a perfect two-point seal that indents the tube on both sides of the contact.
Ged Grimes, UK and Ireland Business Unit Director, commented: “This seal ensures the compression joint can withstand pressures well in excess of those that it would be exposed to in normal usage.”