Viessmann responds to the launch of the domestic heat policy consultation “Heat in Buildings – the Future of Heat”
Graham Russell, Managing Director of the company, has commented: “Viessmann welcomes the launch of the domestic heat policy consultation ‘Heat in Buildings – the Future of Heat’ considering policy proposals to improve the efficiency of domestic fossil fuel boilers.” A link to the consultation can be found here.
“Viessmann developed and shared analysis with all policy stakeholders in June 2015 demonstrating that the domestic heating market is ready to deliver fuel bill and carbon reductions using available technology, such as weather compensation, at no cost for the Exchequer. We are delighted and proud that the Government and industry followed through with these suggestions and worked together to identify gains that could be achieved through regulation rather than subsidy.
“The consultation proposals represent a unique opportunity to increase the operating efficiency of boilers in all households using best practice and proven technology.
“We look forward to continue working collaboratively with all policy and industry stakeholders during the consultation process to see these proposals through in a way that benefits policy objectives and everyday consumers.”