For the first time in its history, Stelrad recently launched a Loyalty Club to say a big thank you to its loyal customer base.
You can join the Stelrad Loyalty Club at loyalty.stelrad.com/register. Alternatively, you can call 0844 543 6200 or contact your local Brand Specialist through your local merchant for more information. Once registered, you’ll be sent regular emails with your points total and find out about new products and promotions before anyone else.
It’s a simple concept – buy Stelrad products, register as a member of the Stelrad Loyalty Club, upload your invoices for the products you’ve bought, and get 10 points for every £100 you spend. You can redeem the points for rewards in the rewards catalogue, choosing from branded clothing and similar items, or you can save the points and exchange them for product if you prefer.
Full details of the Stelrad Radiator range can be found at www.stelrad.com. You can also get regular updates on Twitter and Facebook