To mark the production of its 500,000th panel, Showerwall has hidden a special Golden Ticket inside the panel’s packaging. When the ticket is discovered, the lucky merchant or retailer, installer and property owner will each win a £500 Love2Shop voucher.
The manufacturer offers 56 designs ranging from bold metallics to classic stones and the panel containing the Golden Ticket was placed randomly into stock in May, so it could now be anywhere in the UK. Details on how to claim the prize are printed on the winning ticket.
The initiative was devised by Mark Litherland, Assistant Production Manager for Showerwall. Mark comments: “In true ‘Willy Wonka’ style, there is no way of knowing who will find the Golden Ticket. Because we don’t know where our half a millionth panel will end up in the UK, or the size of the project it will be used for, we don’t know how soon it will be found. We would therefore recommend everyone checks their Showerwall packaging very carefully over the coming weeks in case they have won!”
For more information, visit: www.showerwall.co.uk