WaterSafe is working in partnership with the Home Builders Federation to help developers play their part in creating a more water-efficient future for the UK. The organisations have published a joint leaflet to encourage developers of new-build homes to include water-saving features.
With water supplies under pressure from climate change and an increasing need for new housing, the leaflet outlines the steps developers can take to reduce the water footprint of a new home, and where to find advice and support to do so.
Julie Spinks, Director of WaterSafe, said: “WaterSafe is proud to be working with the Home Builders Federation towards a more water-efficient future.
“Saving water is important to us, as all the approved plumbers on our register are trained in the water supply regulations – designed to keep tap water safe to drink and to avoid waste.
“By following our recommendations, developers will benefit from cost savings, increased reputation and be secure in the knowledge that they are helping to protect the environment.”
Developers are encouraged to equip new homes with water-efficient showerheads, dishwashers and washing machines; aerated taps; dual-flush toilets; and, for the garden, water butts and drought-resistant plants.
Craig Ferrans, technical director at the HBF, said: “New homes are built to ever more exacting standards and are increasingly being fitted with technologies to reflect the demands of modern living. New homes are considerably more energy efficient and environmentally friendly than their predecessors, and water saving plays a key part in this. Well designed, energy efficient new homes are not only good for the environment, they also save owners hundreds of pound a year in utility bills. HBF is committed to working with all parties to push the environmental agenda forward and is pleased to be working with Watersafe on this initiative.”
All new homes must be fitted with a water meter, which means that water bills for new homeowners will be based on the amount of water they use, so saving water means saving money on bills too.
Measures such as these will help bring down the average UK water use of about 140 litres per person per day towards 118 litres, a figure recommended by the National Infrastructure Commission in its 2018 report ‘Preparing for a drier future’; while some water companies are setting targets as low as 100 litres per person per day in their long-term plans.
As well as benefiting the environment, building water-efficient homes means cost savings for developers too. Many water companies are offering to reduce or waive water infrastructure charges if developers build efficient homes.
The water-efficiency leaflets were supported with advice from Waterwise. Download the leaflets at www.watersafe.org.uk/developers