Power flushing specialist Kamco is offering free training to purchasers of its Clearflow power flushing pumps.
For those considering investing in power flushing equipment, a nominal fee is taken, which is then reimbursed upon purchasing a Clearflow pump.
Plumbers and heating engineers of all levels of experience are encouraged to attend the course to ensure that they can confidently power flush heating systems to a standard exceeding BS7593, and find out more about Kamco’s range of Clearflow flushing pumps for domestic and commercial heating systems.
Kamco has a fully equipped training room with a complete, self-contained heating system on which the correct procedures are demonstrated. Types of system covered are vented, sealed, combi boiler, microbore, gravity hot water, single-pipe, single-feed cylinders and thermal stores.
Training lasts for approximately five hours and takes place in St Albans, Hertfordshire. For more information, and to find out about available dates for the beginning of 2015, visit www.kamco.co.uk.