Ideal Heating launches CIBSE accredited Heat Networks & HIU CPD 

Ideal Heating launches CIBSE accredited Heat Networks & HIU CPD 

Ideal Heating – Commercial Products has introduced a new CIBSE accredited CPD to its collection, on Heat Networks and Heat Interface Units. 

The new CPD provides an overview of the benefits of heat networks and the role that Heat Interface Units (HIUs) play in ensuring the thermal comfort of the end user and the efficient operation of the network. 

Predominantly a beginner’s guide to heat networks, aimed at those who have a basic knowledge but little first-hand exposure, the new CPD describes the concept of heat networks and their key benefits. It goes on to focus on HIUs, explaining their role as the appliance that transfers the thermal energy from the network to provide heating and hot water for the end user. The basic principles of HIU operation, along with common components and some typical mechanical and electronic functions for HIUs are addressed. 

To ensure the network and the HIUs are operating in harmony, at their optimum, there are aspects that installers should consider when choosing an HIU, as well as things to avoid. The new Heat Networks and Heat Interface Units CPD provides advice on these, gained from Ideal Heating’s experience in heat networks with its own POD HIU range. 

The hour long Heat Networks and Heat Interface Units CPD can be delivered online or in person, either at a customers’ premises or at one of Ideal Heating’s Centres of Excellence in Hull and Leeds. The CPD can also be tailored to suit specific businesses and their requirements.   

Click here to view and book any of Ideal Heating’s available CPDs. 

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