For small businesses supplying services that require a fast response to telephone enquiries, the last thing needed is a potential customer ringing a business landline and having to leave a message on an answerphone.
Quite simply, the vast majority won’t leave a message. In fact, over 67% of people looking for a local service will hang up when asked to leave a message on an answerphone. Worse, a staggering 84% of 20 to 29 year olds hang up straight away when they get voicemail. The 50 to 64 age group is the most likely to leave a message … although only 37% of them would bother.
Customers want to talk to a human, not a machine. And market research shows that companies with local landline numbers receive more customer enquiries. Not only do local calls cost customers less, but their perception is that traders with local landlines as the first point of contact are more trustworthy, and that the business is established.
So, what’s the solution? A Bristol company called IG-Consulting is offering a new app-based service called Biznu for local tradespeople. The app allows traders to place a local landline number on their mobile phones, so customers can call that number at their national call rates.
What’s more, when a trader dials out, they call customers using a business landline… from a mobile. Gone are the days of losing customers who call a landline and get asked to leave a message simply because a trader is out on a job. They’ll call a landline on a mobile. Traders have an office telephone system sitting in their pockets.
The Biznu app service also offers voicemail, auto attendant, call transfer, call forwarding and call recording. Existing numbers can also be transferred to Biznu quickly and the system is scalable, enabling new contacts to be added into the mobile office system with a few clicks.
Visit biznu.co.uk to download the app.