Martindale Electric has supplied Baxi Heating with testers for checking appliance wiring and earthing, together with locking off devices to ensure circuits can be safely isolated before carrying out any work. The tools keep gas service engineers safe when installing and servicing heating equipment, are essential for achieving compliance with the latest Gas Safe Register guidance TB118 2018, and ensure best practice for electrical safety.
The changes mean new test procedures are now required to keep service engineers safe from electrical hazards. In addition to carrying out safe isolation procedures to prove that circuits are dead and locked off, the new guidance now requires verification of mains earthing.
Baxi has provided 250 of its trainers and engineers with a range of Martindale Electric equipment, which includes the EZ650 earth loop and polarity checker for socket and spur testing. The EZ650 simplifies the process for identifying a satisfactory earth by combining a basic socket tester with an earth loop check that uses clear red/green LEDs, making it easy to interpret the results and see whether the earth loop value is within acceptable limits. The EZ650 socket and loop tester can be used on both 13A sockets and fused spurs to quickly identify a hazardous earth before starting work. This approach offers a simple solution to complying with TB118 and keeping service and maintenance teams safe.