Baxi-approved installers in the Midlands who are thinking of taking on an apprentice in 2019 are being invited by Baxi to put forward candidates for the chance to gain a whole host of benefits from the leading boiler brand, including full funding of their new apprentice’s college fees.
The Baxi Apprentice Scheme is designed to offer support to Baxi Approved installers who want to employ an apprentice, in addition to providing a great start for the apprentice.
As well as Baxi paying their college fees (with BMet College, Birmingham), successful applicants will be given workwear branded with their company and Baxi’s logo, PPE, complementary Baxi training, work experience with a Baxi engineer, and a Baxi factory tour.
To take advantage, installers must act quickly as the closing date for applications is 31st January 2019. For those who would like an apprentice but don’t already have anyone specific in mind, Baxi will be helping to place successful apprentices with willing employers where possible.
Steve Owen, National Training Manager at Baxi, said: “If you are a Midlands-based installer who is thinking of taking someone on who would like to study for a Gas Engineering apprenticeship, there is no better time to take the plunge and employ an apprentice.
“We hope that this opportunity will be well received and importantly give installers the chance to grow their own business, all while safeguarding the future of our industry by giving the next generation a chance at forging a career for life.”
After the closing date for applications, an assessment centre will be held in February. Successful candidates will be invited for interviews in April and offers will be made in June. The course will start in September 2019.
To apply, and for a full list of terms and conditions, click here