APHC and Baxi successfully ran a free evening event for plumbing and heating businesses at APHC offices in Solihull on October 16th. The ‘Plumbing Edge’ event offered a useful insight into the benefits of trade membership as well as informative presentations on customer contracts and on the Energy Related Products Directive.
Jon Phillips, Head of Product Management at Baxi presented the new legislation for the Energy Related Products (ErP) Directive encompassing energy labelling and Ecodesign and explained how this will affect installers.
“When the legislation does come into effect in 2015, the ErP directive will affect all heating and hot water products that have an output of less than 400kW,” said Jon Phillips.
“The Directive was put in place to help the EU achieve its 20-20-20 target to lower emissions by 20% and to increase the share of renewable energies by 20% by 2020. Boilers and heating systems will be labelled in the same way as white goods. The Directive will ultimately make it easier for installers and consumers to choose the most efficient products, helping to reduce carbon emissions and energy costs.
“Installers will normally be required to calculate the overall efficiency of the overall package and provide this information to consumers. Manufacturers will be required to provide the Energy Label for the products. Baxi will continue to offer guidance, training and support tools to installers in the coming months.
“It is vital that installers understand and are prepared for these changes for when they come into force later next year.”
At the ‘Plumbing Edge’ event, Graeme Dryden, APHC Technical Services Manager, offered advice on customer contracts and the best ways to leverage them to protect yourself and your business, and APHC Membership Services Team presented an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of Certification Schemes and guidance on how membership of a Trade Association can help businesses to save money and attract custom.
“Being part of a Trade Association helps to distinguish professional businesses from the rogue traders,” commented Graeme Dryden. “APHC’s core objective is to provide plumbing and heating contractors with support and cost saving benefits, allowing them to run professional and profitable businesses. We encourage training and best practice within the industry, providing consumers with the reassurance of quality workmanship and service.
“APHC also work closely with key organisations such as Government, Local Authorities, Training Bodies and Consumer Organisations to ensure that best practice in the industry is promoted and that quality plumbing and heating contractors are fairly represented. The cost of membership can be off-set by these benefits, as well as industry discounts and discounted training we can offer access to, and wider publicity and promotion of members, not to mention the quality assurance that comes with access to APHC logos.”
APHC intends to repeat the format at future events in other areas of England & Wales as part of a drive to promote membership and also to help keep plumbing and heating professionals informed and up-to-date with industry changes and practical business advice.