Who are you?
Name: Ian Briggs
Company name: I.R.B Heating
Age (you don’t have to tell us): Level 3
All in a day’s work
How long have you been involved in heating and plumbing?
Wow, it’s been a while now, I started out on my apprenticeship when I was 17 and completed four years at college to gain NVQ Level 2 & 3. After that I sat and passed my gas at 21, spent a year as an “improver” then was fully unleashed upon the world. I worked for the same firm (Claydon Heating) until 2011, when I set up my own company. How time flies when you’re having fun!
The trade is in my family though, my grandad (Bob) was a builder and my other grandad (David, aka Grumps) a plumber, my dad (Richard) plumbed for a while before moving onto electrical motors and my uncle (Peter) is a plumber. We now help each other out as and when, which is nice. So you could say it was inevitable.
If you wanted a short answer, 15 years!
Is there one invention you believe could change the industry forever?
This could be a new tool, digital paperwork, a change in gas regulations and how we continually develop our knowledge and skills, a change in the apprenticeship scheme to make it easier for employers to take on an apprentice, a new fuel to work with, or it could be something as simple as social media, which has already given us a platform to discuss all these important topics.
Tea or coffee?
Ahhhh, coffee…
Winter or summer?
Summer. EVERY. TIME.
Twitter or Facebook?
Easy, Twitter… @irbheating
Chips or hash browns?
Cats or dogs?
Tattoos or piercings?
Night owl or early bird?
Ha! Night owl. Tweet me at 1am.
Gym or sofa?
Copper or plastic?
Pick one…
Where it all started, London.
The Italian Job (original).
Extreme sports, awesome.
Dinner guest
Ronald McDonald. We could discuss chicken nuggets.