Geoff Westall takes over from Paul Williams. ...
CIPHE welcomes new president
CIPHE welcomes new president
Rogue builder prosecuted for misusing NICEIC logo
Rogue builder prosecuted for misusing NICEIC logo
Polypipe confirms three-year partnership with Help for Heroes
Polypipe confirms three-year partnership with Help for Heroes
No Sunday dread for construction workers!
No Sunday dread for construction workers!
Geberit sponsors rugby tour
Geberit sponsors rugby tour
First ever national conference for women plumbers and gas engineers
First ever national conference for women plumbers and gas engineers
#PickMeCharlie social media challenge for aspiring plumbers
#PickMeCharlie social media challenge for aspiring plumbers
Centrica launches Local Heroes
Centrica launches Local Heroes
12 top tips for spotting cowboy customers
12 top tips for spotting cowboy customers
PipeSnug makes an immediate impact with the trade!
PipeSnug makes an immediate impact with the trade!