Sangamo has launched its new three channel programmable thermostat with RF and Wi-Fi, which provides the means to operate and control separate heating zones within a residential property.
Traditionally UK heating systems and controls typically mean that the whole property will be heated when a call for heat is made from the system’s thermostat. Modern heating systems for certain properties are now encouraged to have separated heating zones controlled independently to increase efficiency and reduce utility costs.
For new builds, regulations are set-out specifically for system requirements. Part L of the Building Regulations states that ‘for wet heating systems in new dwellings with a floor area of 150m2 or greater, a minimum of two independently controlled heating circuits should be provided.’
The new Sangamo Thermostat Kit is suitable for properties with two-zoned heating systems and is designed to help installers comply with the requirements of Part L Building Regulations where two zone heating is stipulated. The kit comprises two RF programmable room thermostats to control heating over two zones and hot water programming, and one receiver complete with three independent channels – two for heating and one for hot water. The system can be programmed and controlled directly or remotely via the ClickSmart+ app.
New Smart Thermostat from Sangamo
One of the main features which supports the new programmable thermostat’s energy efficiency lies within the programming capabilities. When a call for heating or hot water is made, it requires it to be within a specific time and below a specific temperature. For example, the ON period would be between 0800 and 1130 hours if the temperature is below 19 degrees. Up to six on and off periods per day can be programmed.
Another feature is the OWD (Open Window Detection) function. This is enabled in the parameter settings and uses sudden changes in temperature or humidity to detect if a window is open and switches off the heating until the window is closed to save energy.
Thermostats can be wall mounted or free-standing The thermostats control the receiver via radio frequency, so there is no need for cable runs, and they can be powered either by replaceable batteries or USB-C power source.
The receiver features a large back-lit display screen and the intuitive touch button interface.