Infrared heating is the winner when it comes to energy efficiency, according to Herschel.
Incredibly efficient, highly controllable and requiring no maintenance or servicing, Far infrared heaters typically require almost 40% less energy than conventional ‘energy efficient’ electric heaters. This is the message from Herschel, which provides solutions for many different environments, including homes and commercial premises.
Most electric heating requires around 45 watts per m³, whereas infrared heating needs only about 25 watts per m³. Unlike electric heaters, which heat the air mainly through convection, infrared heaters heat objects, including people and the fabric of the building itself, making use of the thermal mass of the structure to store the heat. This radiant form of heating means energy is used incredibly efficiently and the heating effect is more comfortable.
Infrared heating is described as much more comfortable for the building’s occupants and does not create drafts like electric convector heaters. The feeling is the same as the pleasant warmth of the sun on your face or the heat from a coal fire.
Herschel infrared heaters are available as ultra slimline wall-or ceiling-mounted panels – available in a variety of designs including glass, mirrors and bespoke pictures – and commercial space heating units and outdoor patio models. All are easy to install and use.
Paul Morey, Herschel’s CEO, comments: “Herschel Far Infrared is the future of heating today. Radiant heating is far more efficient than heating air and is a low energy solution that can be combined with solar or wind generated electricity to provide a heating system that is CO2 free.”