Steve Thompson, Resideo’s Academy Trainer, says installer interest in underfloor heating (UFH) systems is on the rise. Whilst previously some may have believed these systems to be complicated and time-consuming, this perspective has changed with installers seeing underfloor heating as a practical way to help homeowners address energy bills and energy efficiency concerns.
What’s more, he continues, the rise of low carbon heating systems has seen UFH become a great option to operate alongside sustainable answers such as heat pumps.
We spoke with Steve about opportunities the UFH heating sector offers installers, the common questions he often gets asked regarding how smart underfloor heating system controls and how to optimise the performance benefits of heating, from the floor up.
Q. UFH has been around for a while, but are you seeing more installers looking for training on UFH?
There is definitely an increase in the interest of UFH use and as such installers are keen to learn more about it. Although UFH has been available for a long time it has always been seen as a more difficult installation option compared to radiators. The thoughts on this are now shifting with the increased installation of air source heat pumps. UFH gives a greater surface area for heat output making it ideal to use with low flow temperature heat appliances.
Q. How can installers make sure UFH runs at its best? What controls are needed?
Most UFH systems are multi zone so it is important to install controls that efficiently manage both the comfort levels for the end user and the times at which the system should be running. A combination of the Honeywell Home HCC100 UFH wiring centre and the Honeywell Home evohome system is ideal for this as it allows thermostats to be set – and monitored – at different temperatures and at different times of day. Any number of options can be programmed to ensure the system works efficiently and energy is not wasted where it isn’t needed.
Q. What are the most common issues installers say they face when installing piped UFH?
With understanding increasing, installers are realising that fitting UFH isn’t as daunting as it once seemed. However, a common issue faced by installers is ensuring the system is commissioned correctly so that it works as efficiently as possible. Using the Resideo Pro app, installers can access a simple step-by-step guide of the HCC100 commissioning process, including information on how to optimise the system prior to customer hand over. The Resideo Academy also offers both e-learning and instructor-led training on the Honeywell Home HCC100.
Q. What benefit does Zoning UFH offer – and how can the HCC100 help with this aspect?
As with a radiator based set up, zoning an UFH system is extremely beneficial as it means that different areas/rooms of a home can be controlled independently. Each zone can be set for different time and temperatures to best suit the end users room use and comfort levels. The HCC100 is a benefit to this as it has the capacity to control up to eight zone thermostats. It has the capability of connecting to eight wireless thermostats, six wired thermostats or a combination of both. This gives installers a wide range of options when planning to install a UFH system.
Q. How do installers advise a customer to run an UFH system? What are some simple tips for end-users to ensure their UFH is running efficiently?
An important tip would be to ensure that each zone thermostat is set for individual time and temperature settings. It is pointless having a number of zones and then have them all set for the same on/off periods and temperatures. Don’t heat a room you aren’t using.
Having your UFH system checked periodically is also beneficial. An installer can connect to a Honeywell Home HCC100 using the Resideo Pro app and can then check to see how the system has been running. They can also perform a number of diagnostic checks to ensure all moving parts are working and the system is as effective as it can be.”
Help and support
Resideo’s Honeywell Home HCC100 multi-zone controller can help simplify UFH commissioning and zone control setting for installers and end users. It can be used in conjunction with the Honeywell Home evohome system and DT4 room thermostats to enable the development of a control solution that oversees energy use and heating requirements and incorporates zoning capabilities to maximise efficiencies.
What’s more, it gives the end user greater control after the system has been commissioned, with the ability to identify which room spaces to heat, when to heat them and to what temperature.
Installers interested in extending their knowledge of UFH systems and getting up to speed with the HCC100 multi zone controller solution, can register for online HCC100 training through the Resideo Academy.