Triton rolls out the first van in its electric fleet

Triton rolls out the first van in its electric fleet

In its continued commitment to Carbon Net Zero alignment by 2027, Triton Showers has rolled out the first electric van in its fleet of vehicles.

It is estimated that the electric counterpart will deliver a sizable 73% reduction in carbon emissions compared to its diesel predecessor, saving 5.78 tonnes tCO2e (Tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent) per year.

The new addition marks Triton’s commitment to replacing its entire 27-strong diesel convoy with more sustainable electric options. This eco-friendly initiative follows the shower manufacturer achieving Carbon Neutral Certification for the year of 2021 and announcing its aim to reach Carbon Net Zero alignment by 2027. Once the diesel-to-electric van switchover is complete, it is estimated to save over 156 tCO2e annually.

David Tutton, Managing Director at Triton Showers, said: “We know that climate change is accelerating faster than ever, and the carbon produced from traditional petrol and diesel vehicles is a big contributor to this.

“As Britain’s largest shower manufacturer, we want to do our part and our goal is to be the most sustainable shower brand in the UK. That’s why we’re looking at all aspects of our operations. The transition to electric vehicles will help us lower our carbon footprint, continue our pledge to being Carbon Net Zero, and ultimately help the environment.”

For more information about Triton’s sustainability journey visit:

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