Homeowners in Glasgow have the best chance of securing the services of a plumber with excellent reviews, new research from SGS Engineering has found.
SGS looked at the number of specialist tradespeople listed on TrustATrader, Checkatrade and Rated People and calculated where in the UK the most highly rated plumbers, builders, electricians and painters/decorators are based.
In Glasgow there are 540 plumbers listed online in total, with an average rating of 9.89 out of 10 – the highest score of anywhere in the UK.
Preston was close behind, with its 595 plumbers earning an average rating of 9.88 out of 10. The top 10 list is below:
City | Number of Plumbers Listed | Average Rating |
Glasgow | 540 | 9.89/10 |
Preston | 595 | 9.88/10 |
Sheffield | 608 | 9.85/10 |
Sunderland | 560 | 9.85/10 |
Cardiff | 554 | 9.84/10 |
Manchester | 634 | 9.84/10 |
Newport | 717 | 9.84/10 |
Southend-on-Sea | 993 | 9.82/10 |
Hull | 523 | 9.82/10 |
Nottingham | 613 | 9.81/10 |
More data from the research is available here