PHPI offers a round up of the industry reaction to the Government’s recent statement, which signaled the end of Green Deal.
Martyn Reed, Operations Director, Elmhurst Energy:
“It is very disappointing news for Elmhurst Energy and many of its members who have trained and invested time and resources in promoting an initiative which had the best of intentions.
“The announcement was particularly disappointing because it arrived with no consultation with the stakeholders nor a clear plan to ensure the supply chain can remain intact until the next initiative is launched. Elmhurst Energy will be writing to Government with its opinions and offering assistance to the team who are charged with reviewing activity and recommending a future strategy.”
Kevin Wellman, CEO of the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE):
“We always felt that Green Deal was flawed and clearly put home owners who took up the loan at a disadvantage, especially when they wanted to sell their home. The loan is attached to the property and added to the electricity bill, so if it was assessed for the needs of a large family wanting lots of hot water etc., the same rule may not apply to the new occupiers who bought it. They could be paying much higher bills in the long run.
“I do support all appropriate measures to reduce our carbon footprint and when the government is ready to start planning a new or alternative scheme, I urge officials to talk to the CIPHE. The Institute has many members (micro SMEs) who are qualified and competent to install renewable technologies. I have no doubt that as the Chartered body for the plumbing and heating industry, we can put in place a scheme that is cost effective, achievable and most importantly works in the public interest.”
Stewart Clements, Director, Heating and Hotwater Industry Council:
“The ending of Green Deal comes as no surprise. This policy failed to engage with both installers and consumers and delivered little in terms of energy efficiency – its demise therefore is expected and understandable.
“I am concerned that little thought appears to have been given to a replacement, there are still over 12 million inefficient boilers fitted in UK homes, with almost 80% of homes not having even the most basic controls. Our aging housing stock remains one of the worst in Europe and if we are to support ‘hard working families’, whilst achieving our carbon emission targets, then a new mechanism needs to be developed.
We will look to engage with DECC in the coming weeks on the development of a new scheme – one that is more inclusive and engages the whole supply chain.”
Dani Putney, Renewable Sector Specialist, NICEIC and ELECSA:
“In theory it should have worked. In reality though the scheme was over engineered, difficult to market and a nightmare to access. It was supposed to be the biggest home improvement scheme since the end of World War II. We invested a lot of time, money and resources to make the scheme work and so did our customers.
“Now it looks like it will be binned after just a few years. We can’t let the knowledge, skills and know-how that has built up over the last few years go to waste. We would urge the government to learn from this and consult with those who worked hard to try and make Green Deal work before it comes up with any new policy.
“The decision to scrap Green Deal funding comes less than two weeks after the government also abandoned its zero-carbon homes policy and just a day after it emerged it was consulting on plans to axe small-scale solar farm subsidies. There is no doubt that all these measures will have a drastic effect on the renewable sector”.