Giacomini is now a CIBSE approved CPD course provider and is offering two courses that CIBSE members can take to contribute towards their CPD qualifications.
The first course in underfloor heating explores heat transfer, design factors and component applications and gives participants an understanding of how and why underfloor heating systems work. The one hour presentation covers:
- Theory behind underfloor heating
- Benefits of underfloor heating
- System components
- What influences the output?
- System design
- Types of floor build up
The second course focuses on Giacomini’s other specialist subject, heat interface units, and in one hour participants will learn about:
- Central plant heating systems
- The role of heat interface units
- Types of heat interface units
- Unit components
- System design
- Heat metering
- System performance
Upon completion, attendees will receive a certificate that will contribute towards CIBSE CPD requirements.
To arrange a seminar, or for more information, please contact Helen Gibbons, Giacomini’s Technical Support Manager, on: 07824 595527/01454 311012, or email: [email protected].