Drayton has announced a new update to its Wiser Heat app, providing homeowners with even more information to help them better understand the performance of their heating system and how they can make it more efficient.
As part of this update, the homepage of the Wiser Heat app has been refreshed to include the Insights tile, which gives access to the new Insights and Heat Report pages. Here, users will see the percentage of energy that has been saved each month and they can learn more about their energy usage, including how this contributes to saved energy each month. Also new on the homepage is the personalised home weather forecast for each system.
The percentage of energy saved is based on the amount of heating hours saved due to the activation of innovative smart modes, such as Eco Mode and Away Mode. For example, Wiser users have saved more than 1,700,000 hours of heating by using these innovative smart modes. On the Insights page, users can compare their energy savings each month against the previous three months and will be able to see the breakdown due to these two separate smart modes.
In the ‘Activity and Environment’ section, users will be able to see how many times they have turned down their heating over the month, which could encourage users to lower the temperature of some heating schedules. This can prove to be a useful tool, as turning the heating down by 1°C can reduce a homeowner’s annual energy bill by £80 and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 320kg.
Finally, the Insights page is now where the Heat Report is located, giving users a detailed overview of the performance of the entire heating system. Homeowners can compare temperatures across single or multiple rooms, view setpoints, and monitor outdoor temperatures at any time of day.
Natalie Wathan, Product Manager at Drayton, said: “At a time when homeowners are being asked to pay more attention to the efficiency of their heating system, these new updates have been introduced to help homeowners understand their heating better in order to think about the small changes they can make to reduce their energy usage. By utilising innovative smart modes, such as Eco Mode and using Away Mode, each user can ensure that their heating system is running as efficiently as possible.”