Using Green Gases such as hydrogen to decarbonise heat in the UK has been declared a credible option by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), says EUA.
In a report released by the CCC, Hydrogen was considered as an alternative which could replace natural gas in parts of the energy system.
‘Hydrogen for a low-carbon economy’, found that Hydrogen is not a ‘silver bullet’ solution but provides the reassurance that it can contribute to the energy trilemma, says the Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA).
Mike Foster, EUA CEO, said: “The report is yet another rubber stamp for ‘Hydrogen for Heat’, as the UK assesses the potential role of hydrogen in the UK’s low-carbon economy.
“We are pleased that another report concludes that hydrogen will play an important role in decarbonising heat. It also highlights the challenges that the industry needs to overcome, which EUA and its members have already started working on through the gas networks innovation trials such as Hynet, H21, and the Freedom Project.
“Early government commitment is crucial to an affordable, secure, low carbon future. We trust that this report provides government with the confidence to work towards decarbonising heat by greening the gas that goes into 85% of UK homes, using hydrogen as the principal method.”
The CCC’s full report can be read here.