Data discovered by renewable energy company, The Eco Experts, indicates that a lack of publicity may have contributed to the low take up of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. The company looked at Google Trends search data which shows a consumer interest in ‘air source heat pumps’ over the last 12 months, but far fewer searches for ‘boiler upgrade scheme’ or ‘heat pump grant’.
According to Google Trends data collated by The Eco Experts, there was keen public interest around ‘air source heat pumps’ in 2022, with UK searches for the term hitting peak popularity of 100 from 11th-17th December 2022.
Interest around the ‘boiler upgrade scheme’ during the same year was low, with searches for the scheme peaking at a mere 15 from the 3rd-9th April 2022. The term ‘heat pump grant’ also experienced a low search volume in 2022. Its highest search score reached 28 from the 27th March-2nd April.
(According to the trends scoring definitions, a value of 100 represents the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means that there was not enough data for the term.)
To equip UK homeowners with the tools to assess whether air source heat pumps could help to reduce their energy bills costs, The Eco Experts has launched an Air Source Heat Pump Cost Calculator. In line with the government scheme, this tool has been designed to provide homeowners with the total average cost for a heat pump installation, and how much of their carbon footprint could be reduced.