The first #TradesTalk chat of 2019 took place on Twitter this week, with tradespeople from around the UK discussing their business goals and plans for the year ahead. You can search the hashtag if you want to see what was discussed, or simply have a look at the best bits we have selected for you here. If you fancy joining in, the chat happens every Tuesday at 8pm and you just need to follow the hashtag to get involved.
The first question of the evening was about overall plans for the year, with several of the participants talking about expanding their business or focusing on new areas.
My plan is to keep doing what we’re doing, I earn ok, the business does well, Iv a roof over my head and food on the table, my personal goal for the year is to learn more, educate myself more, in anything related to my trade #tradestalk
— Keith Harrison (Harrisons Of Burwell) (@HarrisonHeating) January 8, 2019
A1) take on more areas and hopefully a female apprentice
— Jennifer G Interiors (@Jenthedecorator) January 8, 2019
Then the discussion moved on to specific skills people want to learn, so they can offer more to their customers, but also just because it’s a subject they want to know more about.
Looking to expand my knowledge of woodworking – cabinet making.
— Bourton Handyman (@BourtonHandyman) January 8, 2019
Yep, more qualifications in #SUDS , legionnaires protection, water regs, pumping solutions and of course, heat loss knowledge. @HeatCalculation
— Rob Berridge EngTech (@HeatingConsult) January 8, 2019
We also talked about things that didn’t go so well in 2018 and that we wanted to change this year.
A3. Not happy with the amount of paperwork that stays stuck in the vans! It's great you're finally invoicing properly instead of using a notebook, but if the invoice doesn't make it to the person at the desk, the customer isn't going to complain about not getting a bill…
— White Bear Plumbing (@BearPlumbing) January 8, 2019
It wasn’t all about work though, the chat did move on to personal goals for 2019.
A4 I would like to visit 2-3 more countries I haven't been to yet. A few years ago I counted them and I was around 65 countries visited so far. #TradesTalk
— oilcanfinish (@oilcanfinish) January 8, 2019
And finally, the #TradesTalk community talked about business resolutions for 2019, with a variety of serious and light-hearted answers.
Make one of my 3 dogs employee of the month every month. There may be a special bone or chew to go with it in recognition of their sterling service.
— Dave The Sparks (@DaveTheSparks2) January 8, 2019
A5. Try and keep on top of paperwork. #TradesTalk
— Paul Williams (@AWilliamsltd) January 8, 2019