Baxi Heating supports Carbon Connect inquiry

Baxi Heating supports Carbon Connect inquiry

Baxi Heating has announced its support for the Future Gas Series project, which is examining the opportunities and challenges associated with using hydrogen and green gas to help decarbonise the UK economy.

Jeff House, Head of External Affairs at Baxi Heating, said: “It is essential that we decarbonise heat as part of the transition to a low carbon economy and to meet our legislative carbon targets.

“The third in this series of reports will examine the feasibility of using hydrogen and green gas in the home, consumer sentiment around their use and the development of appliances that will use them.

“It is vital that we understand how consumers feel about accepting changes to the way they heat their homes, and address their ethical and safety concerns, particularly around the use of hydrogen as a heat source.

“As well as looking into the economic and technical implications, we must also ensure that the large-scale transition to decarbonisation does not adversely affect those suffering fuel poverty or who live in areas off the mains gas network.”

Carbon Connect launched the call for evidence on 26 November and has urged organisations in the heating industry to submit evidence to the inquiry.

For more information, click here.

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