Associations ‘key asks’ for new government 

Associations ‘key asks’ for new government 

Ahead of the General Election on 4th July 2024 two associations in the Heating sector have published ‘Key Asks’ for a new government: 

Heat Pump Association (HPA)
The Heat Pump Association (HPA) has unveiled a comprehensive list of Key Asks for the incoming government ahead of the early July General Election.  

The HPA says its Key Asks are designed to provide a clear roadmap for policymakers, ensuring that the UK can meet its ambitious climate emission reduction targets whilst supporting consumers and industry alike.  

The five Key Asks from the Heat Pump Association, which are underpinned by more detailed policy recommendations, are to:  

  1. Pursue regulatory change and promised policy developments to unlock the barriers to the widescale deployment of heat pumps. 
  2. Reduce the upfront and running costs of heat pumps to make the lowest carbon heat the lowest cost heat.
  3. Ensure we have an adequate, skilled and competent workforce to support a smooth transition to low-carbon heating. 
  4. Engage consumers in the transition to low-carbon heating to enable a smooth and supported approach. 
  5. Support all those working in the heat pump supply chain by ensuring technical standards remain up to date. 

Charlotte Lee, CEO of the Heat Pump Association, said: “The upcoming general election presents a pivotal opportunity for the new Government to demonstrate, through action, its commitment to reducing the UK’s carbon emissions in line with the UK’s legally binding targets. Heat pumps are a proven, efficient and scalable technology that can drastically reduce carbon emissions from heating. By adopting our Key Asks, the new Government can accelerate the decarbonisation of heating, support job creation, increase private sector investment, and crucially enhance the UK’s energy security and help consumers reduce their energy bills.” 

“It’s imperative that the new Government provides the necessary support to ensure a smooth transition to low-carbon heating. This includes not only financial incentives but also robust policy frameworks and investment in correct skills and training. Our Key Asks are not just about the environmental benefits; they are about creating a cost-effective, stable and smooth transition to low-carbon heating that works for everyone.” 

Read the HPA’s Key asks in full.

Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA)
The Energy and Utilities Alliance (EUA) has identified 12 policy asks, covering a range of areas that it says impact directly upon voters, which cover a range of heating technologies, as well as advocating for greater consumer protections ahead of future policy initiatives. 

Commenting on the manifesto, Mike Foster CEO of EUA said: “As a country, we need to provide affordable, secure and low carbon energy to homes and businesses. Our policy prescription will mean no one gets left behind as changes are made, especially to how we heat our homes.” 

“Our asks support the roll out of heat pumps, by calling for the reduction in the so-called ‘spark gap’ between gas and electric unit prices; it supports a hydrogen-future, calling for a positive decision around re-purposing the UK’s gas networks and supports hybrid heating and heat networks by calling for them to be recognised in energy schemes such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme.” 

“We want to see heating bills cut by demanding the government commit to insulating all lofts and cavity walls in the lifetime of the next parliament and the removal of standing charges on bills.” 

“We believe that all heating systems, domestic and otherwise, should have an annual service. This is not just a safety check but to ensure the system is running at maximum efficiency, regardless of the appliance type.” 

“With these measures, and others contained in our manifesto, we believe consumers will benefit from lower bills, lower their carbon emissions and at the same time ensuring our whole energy system is more secure. We hope politicians, from whatever Party, take a close look at what our industry believes will work. We stand ready to work with whoever forms the next government.” 

See the EUA Manifesto here.

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