Franke has celebrated the launch of its ‘Fit Franke First’ initiative by selecting one lucky installer, Stephen Ayre, Managing Director of Ayre Heating & Plumbing Ltd in Bishop Auckland, in a random draw to receive free lunches at Greggs Bakeries for a year – through a pre-paid lunch card worth £1,000.
The prize was up for grabs to encourage installers to register for the initiative which launched last November and the first 500 installers to sign up also received a branded work t-shirt.
‘Fit Franke First’ centres on a series of short training and information videos covering popular topics on installing sinks and taps. A range of techniques are being covered, starting with the basics and building up to more specific and complex subject matters.
The videos are being mailed out across the industry to thousands of installers and are available to view on a dedicated website www.fitfrankefirst.co.uk.
Says Steve Rutter, Marketing Operations Manager at Franke:
“We are delighted with the success of ‘Fit Franke First’ since its launch and hope Stephen is enjoying his free lunches. We recognised that installers want a hassle-free installation, done right first time and every time. These popular short videos are informative, easy to view and are proving a great learning tool. We are happy to take requests from installers on any additional topics they want to cover, as they pay such a key role in delivering professionalism across the kitchen industry.”
Further information is available at www.franke.co.uk.