A ‘lifetime of training’ begins… 

A ‘lifetime of training’ begins… 

Back in May, PHPI met Josh Scott, winner of Logic4training’s ‘Lifetime of Training’ prize – everything he needs to become a successful building services installer; from practical training to a new website, Checkatrade membership and even marketing support. Josh completed the first step, a Plumbing Diploma, in August and has now moved onto a Gas Managed Learning Programme (MLP). Once a fully qualified gas engineer, Josh will benefit from £1,000 worth of training every year for a decade! We recently caught up with Josh to see how he has been getting on.

Q. How are you feeling about the first part of your training?
“I’m thrilled with how everything’s going. I now have a Plumbing Diploma. The first part of my training went very quickly. I enjoyed it so much; I didn’t want it to end.  

“Now I’m taking a bit of a breather from learning before I start my gas training in a few weeks’ time.  

Q. Have you been working while you’ve been training?
“I’ve been working with my Dad and brother at Belfor, a fire and flood restoration company. My new skills are proving useful! 

“I’ve also launched my own company, ‘Accolade Property Services.’ I’ve been a tiler for a while now, but this prize has really opened things up for me. Tiling’s fine, but it’s a messy trade and it’s great that I can now spend more time plumbing, which requires more skill – I love the problem-solving aspects.  

Q. The prize was about more than building services training, what else have you been learning?
“I’ve been working on developing my social media presence – that was another part of the prize. Harry Budd, Logic4training’s Content Creator, has been helping me make some short videos that I then post on my new Instagram, TikTok and You Tube accounts.  

“It’s fun choosing what to put up and learning how to edit and stuff. I can see that the three channels are aimed at different audiences and at the moment, think Instagram is the most professional – the most likely to lead to jobs. I’ll also have a think about Facebook. That could be another useful way to market myself.   

“When I’ve got my ACS and registered with Gas Safe, I’ll take up my year’s free membership with Checkatrade.  

“I feel so fortunate to have won Logic4training’s competition. The skills I’ve learnt this summer provide me with loads more options and opportunities – I can’t wait to get back to learning!” 

Want to keep up with Josh’s journey? Follow @Accoladepropertyservices on Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. 

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