Why knee protection is a necessity

Why knee protection is a necessity

According to statistics from the Health & Safety Executive, the industry has one of the highest rates of work-related knee injuries of any sector. ToughBuilt is on a mission to change that.

Being in the trade can be tough on your knees, and kneeling for long periods of time on hard, unforgiving surfaces could be doing more harm than you think. Much, much more…

“Broadly speaking, knee injuries that can be sustained at work fall into two categories” explains Matt Handley, ToughBuilt’s European Head of Marketing. “Impact injuries – such as those caused by kneeling on a sharp item or striking the knee against a hard object – and longer-term ‘wear and tear’ injuries.

“This latter group includes those caused by extended periods of kneeling without the proper protection. This subjects the knee and surrounding tissue to excessive and unhealthy levels of pressure with the damage building up over time.

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