Mitsubishi Electric talks us through an easy solution for sizing a heat pump.
In October, the Government published its Clean Growth Strategy to set out how it intends to meet the Fifth Carbon Budget (2028-32) which was passed into law last year. The Strategy lists a raft of proposals to improve the energy efficiency of homes and commercial buildings, and encourage the adoption of low carbon heating.
We’ve focused before on the need for our industry to transition to renewable, low carbon heating and the opportunity this offers for the early adopters, but if you don’t know much about heat pumps, where do you start?
An online tool from Mitsubishi Electric offers an easy guide to getting the right heat pump for any property. The Ecodan selection tool can be found online, and once you get past the terms and conditions (which essentially say that the tool provides an illustration only) you are presented with a simple to use app, which will suggest which sized heat pump would apply best for a particular type of property.
It will calculate the likely payments the customer could receive from the Renewable Heat Incentive and it will demonstrate to the customer the likely running costs (and savings) against gas, oil, LPG and direct electric. It will also show the savings in carbon emissions for those customers that want to know how ‘green’ they are being.
You can easily choose property types and ages; specify the number of bedrooms and the geographical location, or even use the tool for commercial properties such as hotels, offices, schools and apartment blocks.
For most customers though, the single dwelling option is a simple way of giving them a quick illustration of how much they could save on their running costs – and how much they could receive in RHI payments for seven years.
While you might not have considered offering a heat pump to your customers yet, the least you can do is spend a couple of minutes playing with the selection tool so that when a customer next asks you about alternative forms of heating, you’ve got a quick answer – and a quick solution for taking them through the options.